If you've ever struggled to bring a concept to life, perhaps my Guide to Design an Art Doll video might be of use? In it, I outline my thoughts for how I go from imaginary to a reality in designing a Krampus art doll. I use historical references as well as contemporary influences to create an original interpretation of everyone's favorite Yuletide demon.
Watch the Guide to Designing an Art Doll | Krampus Art Doll Here
The character of Krampus has captured my imagination since childhood and its been long over-due that I made an art doll representation of him. If you're unfamiliar with the lore, Krampus is a holiday spirit who's delegated to punishing naughty children. He'll leave a bad child a lump of coal, beat them with a switch called a "ruten", or even put them in his sack and drag them off to Hell. He's often depicted as a horned, devilish figure bedecked in chains and bells, carrying a sack or a basket strapped to his back, and carrying his customary ruten. Many interpretations have shown Krampus to be a fearsome devilish creature, but he's also been depicted in humorous or even cute ways. Scholars tend to think that Krampus' origins stem from a horned pagan male nature deity that Christianity then relegated to a punitive role alongside St. Nicholas, the basis for the popularized version of Santa Claus. You can read more on this fascinating character HERE.
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